Monday, October 29, 2012

I Am Alive

For those of you who contacted me since my last post (over a year ago), and did not receive a response.  My deepest apologies.  I care deeply for this mini--blog community and I'm sorry- it wasn't you.  It was me.

At the time I received my final offer, my personal life had literally collapsed two days prior.  I had to make a very difficult choice, but I passed.  Family will always come first for me.

That being said, I'm going to take the February FSOT.  I think my blog has had enough about the studying/journey to FSO-ness process.  I will continue to occasionally post my thoughts on that and the FS community.  I'll also start blogging about random crap that amuses me.

I have missed following my blog friends on a regular basis.  Hope you are all well.  I'm back, and I hope you'll forgive my disappearance and say hi.  


hannah said...

Welcome back! Glad to hear you're retesting. I hope you've made it through the trials of the past year a stronger person.

Shannon said...

Welcome back. Life happens sometimes and blogs fall by the wayside. I am glad you are back in the blog-o-shpere and look forward to reading your adventures, FS related or not.

Nomads By Nature said...

Glad to have you back! Totally get the need for focussing on important things and people -- those seasons happen. You did the right thing.

Consul-At-Arms said...

Best of luck!