Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sick Sucks

Picture courtesty of AOL Health (Tamago-zake - raw egg and sake cures colds!*)

In between agonizing for my blog-friend on her getting "the call" to A-100 this week (and I think I'm worrying about it much more than she is), I've caught something. Not quite a cold, maybe strep, maybe an ear infection. It started last Friday, when I had that slight something wonky feel, but nothing to complain about. And over the last several days it's increased, culminating into today's day of suck. All I know is the left side of my face from my clogged-feeling ear to my "am-I-swallowing-razor-blades?" throat, is hurting.

Our nanny has been out sick as well (and from the sounds of it from the same thing), so it's just been me and the kids doing the Mr. Mom thing, which is hard to do when you don't want to swallow, much less talk. And not talking is hard to do with my 3-1/2 year old, whose new nickname is Ms. Gabs-a-Lot, although I think she'd prefer Princess Mouth. On top of it, Segunda, who doesn't talk yet, has decided that since I'm around I might as well read every single book in the kiddie library to her. It's cute seeing her stomp down the hall with a new book in her chubby little baby hands, until I realize she expects me to actually read to her. Which means talking. Which means pain. I hope she appreciates this when she's older. Off to the Dr. tomorrow if they have any appointments.

Anyhow, it's selfish, but for those who believe in the power of prayer please put a shout-out so my girls don't catch this. Thanks!

Best of luck to all the wannabe's waiting for this round of A-100 calls!

* It's really just egg nog made with sake, not as disgusting as some might think!


Bfiles said...

first of all, you are so sweet!!

2nd of all, so sorry you are sick. I can't believe you are taking care of the kids, too. That is tough. I LOVE their nicknames. Segunda? That's awesome. My little Segunda is going to be a gabs a lot, that's for sure.

get better soon!

Jen said...

Sick does suck, hope you are better soon...for the throat, try hot water, lemon juice and honey. Does the trick for me every time...

A Daring Adventure said...

Oh bless your heart! I'm so sorry that you're sick. I very much hope your darling little girls don't get it. Hugs to all...

hannah said...

Microwave a shot or two of bourbon mixed with honey and lemon juice. Toss back. Won't cure your illness, but you'll forget about the pain for a bit. =D

Feel better!