Friday, March 19, 2010

Medical Clearance Granted!

So today I received the following information:

"[We have] issued you an unlimited, worldwide available, medical clearance effective 03/19/10."

Now it's just the security clearance, final adjudication, the register...and, oh yeah, convincing Mrs. FSO Wannabe!


Digger said...

Congrats! You may now live for two years in Ickystan!

Anonymous said...

It's Friday, and that means that the Fifth Weekly State Department Blog Roundup is up - and you're on it!

Here is the link:

(If I quoted your text or used your photo(s) and you would rather I had not, please let me know. Please also be sure to check the link(s) that I put up to you, in order to verify that they work properly. If you would rather that I had not referenced you, and/or do not want me to reference you in the future, please also contact me.)


And congrats! Great news!!

I'll Take Mine... said...

Moving right along. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Shouldn't convincing the Mrs. come FIRST?

Brooke S. said...

Congratulations! Each little bit feels like a huge relief - at least it did to us. Best of luck moving forward.